Only 4% of gamers can get 100% on this quiz

Are you a real gamer? Do you really know the difference between Battlefield or Call of Duty? Take the quiz and find out if you are a gamer or a pretender.

Question 1 of 16.

Who created the DayZ mod?

Question 2 of 16.

Who kills John Marston?

1. his-gang
2. the-covenant
3. the-government
4. the-russians
Question 3 of 16.

Which of these images is from Conan Exiles?

Question 4 of 16.

Arma 3 is a Battle Simulator developed by which company?

1. bohemia-interactive
2. ubisoft
3. unisoft
4. electronic-arts
Question 5 of 16.

What year did Doom first launch on PC?

1. between-1990-and-1993
2. between-1986-and-1989
3. between-2001-and-2004
4. between-1980-and-1984
Question 6 of 16.

What sport was featured in IK+?

1. boxing
2. kung-fu
3. kick-boxing
4. karate
Question 7 of 16.

Which of these titles is not a game?

1. spy-hunter
2. rainbow-islands
3. fall-of-the-enders
4. pimp-tight
Question 8 of 16.

What was the sub heading for Battlefield 2?

1. bad-boys
2. bad-company
3. none-of-the-above-it-didnt-have-a-sub-heading
4. bad-blood

Were you thinking of Battlefield, Bad Company 2?

Question 9 of 16.

What game series is David Braben best known for?

1. fable
2. wing-commander
3. elite
4. star-citizen
Question 10 of 16.

Hideo Kojima is Famous for creating the Metal Gear Franchise. Which one of these games did he also have a hand in?

1. steam
2. snatcher
3. splinter-cell
4. metal-gear-cherry-mx
Question 11 of 16.

Which of these is a ship from Star Citizen?

1. dragonfly-yellowcoat
2. freelander
3. constellation-agripa
4. cutlass-black
Question 12 of 16.

Which of these games was released last?

Centipede 1980, Gauntlett 1985, Street Fighter 1987, Ghouls and Ghosts 1988

Question 13 of 16.

What game series introduced Gordon Freeman?

1. watchdogs
2. assassins-creed
3. half-life
4. tomb-raider
Question 14 of 16.

Which of these is a real game character?

1. marcus-deenix
2. mark-deenix
3. marcus-fenix
4. mark-pheonix
Question 15 of 16.

Which Game Features an Orange and Blue Portal that you can travel between to complete puzzles?

1. skynet-rising-portal-to-the-past
2. portal-knights
3. serious-sam
4. portal
Question 16 of 16.

Complete the title of this game, Escape from

1. new-york
2. manhatten
3. tarkov
4. los-angeles

Next question 1 of 16

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Only 4% of gamers can get 100% on this quiz

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