Less than 1% of people can score perfect on this general knowledge quiz

Question 1 of 20.

Which singer joined Mel Gibson in the movie Mad Max: Beyond The Thunderdome?

1. Cher
2. Pink
3. Whitney Houston
4. Tina Turner
Question 2 of 20.

Which Cornish village claims to be the birthplace of King Arthur?

1. Tintagel
2. Camelotte
3. Padstow
4. Cambourne
Question 3 of 20.

Who was the first black player to captain England's soccer team?

1. Thierry Henry
2. Rio Ferdinand
3. Paul Ince
4. Sol Campbell
Question 4 of 20.

Who played Troy in Disney's hit TV film High School Musical?

1. Jamie Marshall
2. Zac Schneider
3. Zac Efron
4. Robert Pattenson
Question 5 of 20.

What is the only English language single word anagram of the word crouton?

1. Noctour
2. Toucorn
3. Countor
4. Contour
Question 6 of 20.

In which Dickens novel was Miss Havisham jilted on her wedding day?

1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Hard Times
3. Bleak House
4. Great Expectations
Question 7 of 20.

In which bay is Alcatraz?

1. Alcatraz Bay
2. Bay of Pigs
3. San Francisco Bay
4. Prison Bay
Question 8 of 20.

Which TV character said, 'Live long and prosper'?

1. Mr Spock the Klingon
2. Captain Spook The Human
3. Mr Spock the Vulcan
4. Mr Spock The Ferengi
Question 9 of 20.

How many gallons of beer are in a firkin?

1. Nine
2. Two
3. Six
4. Eleven
Question 10 of 20.

Alan Minter was undisputed World boxing champion at which weight?

1. Bantam Weight
2. Cruiser Weight
3. Middle Weight
4. Heavy Weight
Question 11 of 20.

In which city was Martin Luther King assassinated in 1968?

1. Atlanta, Georgia
2. Dallas, Texas
3. Memphis, Tennessee
4. Miami, Florida
Question 12 of 20.

What do the British call the vegetables that Americans call zucchini?

1. Marrow
2. Physalis
3. Courgette
4. Aubergine
Question 13 of 20.

What is the alternative common name for a Black Leopard?

1. Phenom
2. Panther
3. Drako
4. Jaguar
Question 14 of 20.

Which Latin term, usually applied to legal evidence, means 'at first sight'?

1. Prima facie
2. Prima Visialus
3. Prima Glanciari
4. Prima Spectatum
Question 15 of 20.

In which war was the Battle of Bunker Hill fought?

1. American Civil War
2. American War of Independence
3. World War I
4. English Civil War
Question 16 of 20.

Which mountain overlooks Rio De Janeiro and its harbour?

1. Candy Cane
2. Sugar Loaf
3. Pudding Top
4. Dime Barre
Question 17 of 20.

In Roman mythology, Neptune is the equivalent to which Greek god?

1. Pluto
2. Kratos
3. Dionysus
4. Poseidon
Question 18 of 20.

What does the Dell company make?

1. Cameras
2. Phones
3. Monitors
4. Computers
Question 19 of 20.

At which battle of 1314 did Robert The Bruce defeat the English forces?

1. Methven
2. Pass of Brander
3. Bannockburn
4. Barra
Question 20 of 20.

What is the colour of the bull of an archery target?

1. Red
2. Black
3. Gold
4. Blue

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